Dedham Vale Tree Surgeons
Dedham Vale Tree Surgeons


A busy time for Dedham Vale Tree Surgery

Suffolk tree surgeons

Well it has been a busy time for Dedham Vale Tree Surgery as we have been working not just around Colchester and the Dedham Vale, but all over Essex, and lately a fair amount of Suffolk too. We have been working regularly in Ipswich and as far out as Aldeburgh recently for a customer who insisted on using us despite the relative distance. Which is of course very flattering. We have been recruiting new team members and purchasing new plant and machinery to meet demand and provide an ever more efficient service to our customers, new and existing.

We do however at this time of year when carrying out tree work have to pay particular attention to the nesting birds, and our apologies if we have to re-schedule your tree felling or pruning, and especially hedge cutting until later in the year. Not only is it a moral duty to support our wildlife, it is also a duty under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Sadly there are unscrupulous people in every industry and should you see anyone contravening the act you can report them on 101 to the Wildlife Crime Officer.